Food for butterflies and me


Climate and soil
Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).
Seed to plant
We cannot stop them from growing! Once upon a time, we bought a papaya at the market and threw the peel and seeds in the garden's compost pit. Multiple trees grew at that site. And this has continued through the years. You can eat the ripe fruit or make raw papaya salad or use the peel for tenderising meat.
Timeline and harvest
It takes about 15 months for the first fruit. Each tree fruits for 3-4 years. It can be planted anytime of the year and gives fruit around the year aside from the peak monsoon period. The tree requires sunlight and doesn't grow in the shade of buildings and other trees. Trees can be male or female and require cross pollination by butterflies and bees. Some trees can be hermaphroditic. It is diffuclt to count the cost of the total harvest. We get 4 papayas worth Rs. 200/- once a month.
We have not treated the papaya trees.
Ecosystem function
It is a fast growing tree with a short life cycle and abundant fruit requiring little to no maintenance. Bees and butterflies feed on the nectar. Birds, bats and other small mammals will happily eat the sweet fruit.
Very high in nutrition! Rich in vitamins, iron, calcium and fibre.
There is no need to store the fruit or the seed since they are available all year around. Seeds lose their viability quickly on storage.

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