Climate and soil
Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).
Seed to plant
We threw a whole coconut a long time ago that grew into a coconut tree. It grows in bright sunlight and gets plenty of water from a water tank overflow.
Timeline and harvest
Plant all year round (avoid peak summer). About 6 years from planting to first fruit. It has been producing fruit periodically since then. Roughly 10 coconuts once a month, usually over the monsoon and winter seasons. Market rate of total harvested produce over two years is Rs. 1500/-. The tree should produce fruit for 10-15 years.
We use the space around the tree for compositing kitchen waste so it must get plenty of nutrients.
Ecosystem function
Moth and butterfly larvae and beetles feed on coconut palms.
Coconuts are known to be extremely nutritious. They are rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins and plenty of minerals.
The green coconut can be stored for a month. Cut it open to drink coconut water. Dried brown husky coconut can be stored for months outside. Once broken the white flesh can be removed and used. The white flesh can also be chopped/grated and stored in the freezer for several months.