Food for butterflies and me

Indian gooseberry

Climate and soil
Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).
Seed to plant
We don't remember where the seed came from. It never gave much fruit till the year we decided to do this home garden project. As a part of the project we added fresh soil, jeevamrutha and regular watering to the garden with the Amla tree. And suddenly there was such a big harvest!
Timeline and harvest
In the months of February and then again in September and October, within a year of adding the new soil + jeevamrutha + watering, we had 18 kilograms of fruit with a market rate of Rs. 3600/-
Jeevamrutha = 1 part cow dung + 1 part cow urine + 0.2 parts jaggery + 0.2 parts pulse flour and some soil. Cover, keep in shade, mix thrice a day. Incubate and use. Apply once every few months.
Ecosystem function
Bees like the flowers and help with pollination. It is the preferred food for some caterpillars and moths.
It is very important in the Ayrvedic medicinal system for a whole host of nutritional and medicinal properties. It is extremely rich in Vitamin C. Not just for humans, but for animals too! Elephants are fed Amla tree bark for stomach problems. It is also used as a natural hair dye.
Seeds - The dry seeds can be stored and planted again. Amla - The fruit can be stored in a vast number of different ways including pickles, dried powders and medicinal concoctions. Amla pickle - Make sure all utensils and spoons used for the pickling process are dry. Fry chopped amla pieces in oil till lightly brown. Add chopped garlic and remove from heat. Once cooler add mustard powder + fenugreek seed powder + chilli powder + salt + generous amount of lemon juice and mix. Cover and mix once a day over the next few days. Add salt or lemon juice or chilli powder as the taste evolves. When you are happy, add more oil for preservation and store in a cool and dry place.

Indian gooseberry recipes

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