Green gram | Mung bean | Moong dal

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Climate and soil

Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).

Seed to plant

Packet of seeds Rs. 10/- from a grocery store . Pack gave good harvest and next generations. Plant a seed at a time a few inches apart at one inch depth. Water once a day.

Timeline and harvest

Plant just as the monsoon season starts (~June). Ten days from seed to germination. Two months from seed to first harvest. Moong dal is self-pollinating.10 x 7 feet area gives 300 grams of moon dal once a week for 2 months. Market rate of total harvested produce is Rs. 40/-.


Jeevamrutha = 1 part cow dung + 1 part cow urine + 0.2 parts jaggery + 0.2 parts pulse flour and some soil. Cover, keep in shade, mix thrice a day.Incubate and use. Apply once a week in the first month.

Ecosystem function

Moong dal is great at fixing nitrogen. Rotate it with other crops in the same piece of land to naturally increase nutrition availability.


Mung bean are rich in protein, fibre and carbohydrates along with other vitamins and minerals. Sprouted mung beans are rich in antioxidants.


Mung beans can be dried in the sun and stored in the cupboard for months to a year. They can be used for cooking or for planting.


Moong dal

In a pan add 1 tablespoon of oil + 1 teaspoon of cummin seeds + 3 whole dry red chillies + garlic + chopped onions and fry till transluscent. Then add tomato puree + salt + turmeric powder + 1 cup of moong dal + 2 cups of water. Cook till dal is soft. Eat hot with chapathis or with rice and lemon pickle. 


In a pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil + 1 finely chopped onion till transluscent + 1 tablespoon of grated ginger and garlic + 1 chopped tomato + half cup of grated coconut + 1 teaspoon of chilli powder + 1 teaspoon of salt + 1 teaspoon of Godha masala (if available) and cook till dal is soft. When ready, add a bunch of chopped coriander. Serve hot with chapathis. Usal can also be made with sprouted mung beans. Soak mung beans overnight in water. Then drain the water and keep the mung beans overnight in a damp cloth. They will have sprouted by the next morning.