Brinjal | Eggplant | Aubergine | Baingan | Vangi | Vankay

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Climate and soil

Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).

Seed to plant

We got a pack of seeds from cousins that have a farm that produced really tasty and pretty, round, small brinjal. Plant a seed at a time 20 inches apart at one inch depth. Water once a day.

Timeline and harvest

Plant all year round (avoid peak summer). Two weeks from seed to germination. Two months from seed to first harvest. Brinjal is self-pollinating. Gentle breeze or light flower-shaking helps the process. 10 x 7 feet area gives 250 grams of brinjal once every 4 days for 7 months. Market rate of total harvested produce is Rs. 260/-.


Jeevamrutha = 1 part cow dung + 1 part cow urine + 0.2 parts jaggery + 0.2 parts pulse flour and some soil. Cover, keep in shade, mix thrice a day. Incubate and use. Apply once a week in the first month and occasionally after that.

Ecosystem function

Moths lay their eggs on Brinjal leaves and eat them too. Beetles like brinjals as well.


Brinjal have some protein and a little manganese.


Seeds - We have not tried a second generation of plants from the same seeds. But this is our plan: grow the brinjal till over ripe and yellowish-brown on the plant. Chop and blitz the the brinjal and shake with water till the seeds separate out. Dry and store the seeds. Brinjal - Since it grows nearly all year around, we have not tried to store it. You can make brinjal pickle if keen.


Stuffed brinjal | Bharli vangi

Roughly chop and fry 2 onions + green chillies for a few minutes. Add ginger + 2 chopped tomatoes, cook till soft, cool and grind. Add salt + corriander powder + chilli powder + 2 tablespoons of fresh grated coconut and mix into the paste. Take a wide pan and add a few tablespoons of oil, stuff 6 slit brinjals with the paste and cook till soft. Add freshly chopped corriander and serve with chapathis. 

Maharashtrian brinjal curry | Vangi rassa

Take a tablespoon of oil in a pan and add cummin seeds + mustard seeds + 1 big onion and fry till golden brown. Then add grated ginger + grated garlic + 2 chopped tomatoes + tumeric powder + chilli powder + cummin powder + 4 brinjals chopped in big chunks. Fry for a few minutes then add a glass of water and cook till soft. Add 2 tablespoons of coarsely ground peanuts and freshly chopped corriander, cook for a few minutes and serve with chapathis