Banana flower fry

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Remove florets from banana flower. Remove bitter stigma from the florets. This can take a few hours! Finely chop florets + add salt + turmeric powder, cover with water and boil for 30 minutes. Temper cumin + mustard seeds, + red chillies + curry leaves in a tablespoon of oil. Add the cooked banana florets + coriander powder and fry. Just before taking off the heat, add grated coconut + finely chopped green chillies.

Banana stem and curd chutney

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Cut half-foot long banana stem in half centimeter rings. Remove fibre, cut into small pieces and soak in salt water. Lightly fry the banana stem pieces with green chillies + salt till cooked. Coarsely grind garlic + cumin seeds. Add two cups of curd and adjust salt. Temper with mustard seeds + curry leaves + dry red chillies. Add this to the banana stem and curd chutney.