Tomato | Tamatar

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Climate and soil

Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).

Seed to plant

We have not found a good way to grow tomatoes. We need to find better seeds or saplings.

Timeline and harvest

Plant all year round. Avoid peak summer and too much sunlight. Ten days from seed to germination. Three months from seed to first harvest. 10 x 7 feet area gives 300 grams of tomatoes once a week for 2 months worth Rs. 100.


Jeevamrutha = 1 part cow dung + 1 part cow urine + 0.2 parts jaggery + 0.2 parts pulse flour and some soil. Cover, keep in shade, mix thrice a day. Incubate and use. Apply once a week in the first month.

Ecosystem function

Butterflies and bees like tomato flowers for their nectar. Tomatoes are self-pollinating but breeze, butterflies and bees can significantly ease the process. Caterpillars also like tomato leaves ensuring even more butterflies!


Tomatoes are rich in vitamins B, E and potassium. They also have an anti-oxidant called lycopene (which gives that red colour).


Seeds - We haven't found good enough tomato plants and seeds to try this yet. Tomato pickle is an excellent way to store ripe tomatoes! Tomatoes - Make sure all pickling utensils and spoons are dry. Heat oil in a pan and cook tomatoes + salt + turmeric till mushy. Add tamarind paste/water. Once cool add chilli powder + salt + fenugreek seed powder. Temper with a few tablespoons of oil + chopped garlic + whole red chillies + curry leaves. Cool and store in the fridge in a jar with a tight lid. Pickle can be eaten for several months.


Tomato chutney 

Cut 500 grams of ripe red tomatoes and add them to a pan with 1 tablespoon oil + 10 fresh chillies + 50 grams of tamarind + salt and cook till tomatoes are mushy. Roast, cool and grind 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds. Add the tomato mixture to the sesame powder and grind. Temper with mustard seeds + cummin seeds + curry leaves. Add finely chopped fresh corriander leaves and eat with hot rice. 

Tomato gravy 

Coarsely grind a 2 inch ginger piece + 2 cloves of garlic + 2 medium onions and fry the paste in oil till golden brown. Add a teaspoon each of red chilli powder + corriander powder + cummin powder + salt. Add two glasses of water and cook till gravy slightly thickens. Add 500 grams of tomatoes cut in big chunks. Cook for 10 minutes and serve hot with rice.