Peanuts | Shengdana | Palli

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Climate and soil

Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).

Seed to plant

Packet of seeds Rs. 80/- . Pack gave good harvest but seeds from the fruit do not produce any new generation. Country seeds have a success rate of about 50% and produce new generations. Plant a seed at a time a foot apart at one inch depth. Water once a day

Timeline and harvest

Plant all year round (just before rains works best). Two weeks from seed to germination. Five months from seed to first harvest. Peanuts are self-pollinating. 10 x 7 feet area gives 900 grams of peanuts. Market rate of total harvested produce is Rs. 100/-


Jeevamrutha - 1 part cow dung + 1 part cow urine + 0.2 parts jaggery + 0.2 parts pulse flour and some soil. Cover, keep in shade, mix a thrice a day. Incubate and use. Apply once a week in the first month.

Ecosystem function

Peanuts replenish soil with essential nitrogen.


High in fats, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.


Seeds - Dry seeds completely and use seeds for planting again. Stored seeds will remain viable for 3 years. Peanuts - Dry roast peanuts and store in a dry jar for several months.


Chutney for dosa and other Indian breakfast dishes (idli | upama)

Dry roast one cup of peanuts and cool. In half teaspoon of oil add 2 green chillies + half an onion + a tomato + salt + a pinch of jaggery/sugar, lightly fry and cool. Grind all ingredients. Serve with dosa / idli / upma.

Peanuts and spring onion curry

Cut a bunch of spring onion + a green chilli + 5 cloves of garlic finely. Add a teaspoon of oil in a pan, add cumin seeds + green chillies + garlic. Add spring onion + salt and fry till the moisture disappears. Add two tablespoons of coarsely ground peanuts. Serve with chapathi.