Tamarind | Imli | Chintapandu

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Climate and soil

Temperatures of 20-30 degrees celsius. Single monsoon season lasting four months from June to September. Rainfall amount 700 mm/year. Basaltic soil (black cotton soil).

Seed to plant

Tamarind trees are big with widespread branches that provide a lot of shade and cooling underneath. So carefully decide where you would like to plant a seed! It takes 6-7 years from seed to fruit.

Timeline and harvest

We harvest 10+ kilograms of tamarind a year at the end of winter. You will need a long stick with a hook for this. 1 kilogram is worth Rs. 30/-


We pile the swept up leaves from the garden around the Tamarind tree.

Ecosystem function

Tamarind tree provides a large circumference of shade and cooling.


Tamarind is great for gut health and for controlling nausea. The leaves and the fruit can be eaten.


The fruit needs to be peeled and de-seeded before it is used. After peeling and de-seeding, the fruit can be dried in the sun and stored for months in a cool, dry place.


Chintachiguru pappu (Lentils with tamarind leaves)

In a pan, take 1 cup of tur dal (split pigeon peas) + 2 cups of water + 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder + 1 small chopped onion + 2 green chillies + 1 cup of tender tamarind leaves + salt. Cook till dal is soft. For tempering, in a little pan, take 1 tablespoon of oil and add a few curry leaves + 2 dry red chillies + 1 teaspoon cummin seeds + 2 crushed garlic pods. Once it starts sputtering, add this mixture to the dal. Eat hot with rice and ghee (clarified butter). 

Rasam (Water flavoured with tamarind and coriander seeds)

In a big pan, take 1 litre of water + lemon-sized lump of tamarind + 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds + 2 dry red chillies + salt. Boil till water reduces to half the original volume. Then filter the rasam (to remove the tamarind and corriander seeds). In a small pan, take few curry leaves + 2 dry red chillies + 1 teaspoon cummin seeds + 2 crushed garlic pods. Once it starts sputtering, add this mixture to the rasam. Eat hot with rice and fried arvi on the side.